Frontiers of Science: Exploring and exploiting the stress phenotype of cancer
Dr. Marc Mendillo, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Host: Alejandro Da Silva (
Dr. Mendillo’s research is focused on identifying and characterizing the molecular systems that promote protein homeostasis and understand how these systems are perturbed in malignancy for therapeutic purposes. To achieve these aims, Dr. Mendillo’s group utilizes biochemical and genetic approaches with systematic high-throughput techniques.
Selected Publications:
Scherz-Shouval R, Santagata S, Mendillo ML, Sholl LM, Ben-Aharon I, Beck AH, Dias-Santagata D, Koeva M, Stemmer SM, Whitesell L, Lindquist. The reprogramming of tumor stroma by HSF1 is a potent enabler of malignancy Cell. 2014 Jul 31; 158(3): 564-578.
Santagata S, Mendillo ML, Tang YC, Subramanian A, Perley CC, Roche SP, Wong B, Narayan R, Kwon H, Koeva M, Amon A, Golub TR, Porco JA, Whitesell L, Lindquist S. Tight coordination of protein translation and HSF1 activation supports the anabolic malignant state. Science. 2013 Jan; 341(6143).
Mendillo ML, Santagata S, Koeva M, Bell GW, Hu R, Tamimi RM, Fraenkel E, Ince TA, Whitesell L, Lindquist S. HSF1 drives a transcriptional program distinct from heat shock to support highly malignant human cancers. Cell. 2012 Aug 3; 150(3): 549-562.