Winners of Elias Tillandz prize 2015
In the context of the 26th BioCity Symposium (September 1-2, 2016), the twelfth Elias Tillandz prize for the best scientific paper published in Turku in 2015 was awarded to
Jonna Alanko, AnjaMai, Guillaume Jacquemet, Kristine Schauer, Riina Kaukonen, Markku Saari, Bruno Goud and Johanna Ivaska
Integrin endosomal signalling suppresses anoikis.
Published in Nature Cell Biology
Nicola J. Barson, Tutku Aykanat, Kjetil Hindar, Matthew Baranski, Geir H. Bolstad, Peder Fiske, Céleste Jacq, Arne J. Jensen, Susan E. Johnston, Sten Karlsson, Matthew Kent, Thomas Moen, Eero Niemelä, Torfinn Nome, Tor F. Næsje, Panu Orell, Atso Romakkaniemi, Harald Sægrov, Kurt Urdal, Jaakko Erkinaro, Sigbjørn Lien & Craig R. Primmer
Sex-dependent dominance at a single locus maintains variation in age at maturity in salmon.
Published in Nature