Winners of Elias Tillandz prize 2013

In the context of the 24th BioCity Symposium (August 21-22, 2014), the tenth Elias Tillandz prize for the best scientific paper published in Turku in 2013 was awarded to
David Hawkins, Antti Larjo, Subhash K. Tripathi, Ulrich Wagner, Ying Luu, Tapio Lönnberg, Sunil K. Raghav, Leonard K. Lee, Riikka Lund, Bing Ren, Harri Lähdesmäki and Riitta Lahesmaa
Global Chromatin State Analysis Reveals Lineage-Specific Enhancers during the Initiation of Human T helper 1 and T helper 2 Cell Polarization.
Published in Immunity
Anniina Vihervaara, Christian Sergelius, Jenni Vasara, Malin A.H, Blom, Alexandra N. Elsing, Pia Roos-Mattjus and Lea Sistonen
Transcriptional response to stress in the dynamic chromatin environment of cycling and mitotic cells.
Published in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA