Winners of Elias Tillandz prize 2011

In the context of the 22nd BioCity Symposium (August 23-24, 2012) the eighth Elias Tillandz prize for the best scientific paper published in Turku 2011 was awarded to
Nina Westerlund, Justyna Zdrojewska, Artur Padzik, Emilia Komulainen, Benny Björkblom, Emmy Rannikko,Tanya Tararuk, Cristina Garcia-Frigola, Jouko Sandholm, Laurent Nguyen, Tuula Kallunki, Michael J. Courtney and Eleanor T. Coffey
Phosphorylation of SCG10/stathmin-2 determines multipolar stage exit and neuronal migration rate.
Published in Nature Neuroscience
Juha K. Rantala, Jeroen Pouwels, Teijo Pellinen, Stefan Veltel, Petra Laasola, Elina Mattila, Christopher S. Potter, Ted Duffy, John P. Sundberg, Olli Kallioniemi, Janet A. Askari, Martin J. Humphries, Maddy Parsons, Marko Salmi and Johanna Ivaska
SHARPIN is an endogenous inhibitor of β1-integrin activation.
Published in Nature Cell Biology