Winner of Elias Tillandz prize 2007

In the context of the 18th BioCity Symposium (August 14-15, 2008) the fourth Elias Tillandz prize for the best scientific paper published in Turku 2007 was awarded to
Melissa R. Junttila, Pietri Puustinen, Minna Niemelä, Raija Ahola, Hugh Arnold, Trine Böttzauw, Risto Ala-aho, Christina Nielsen, Johanna Ivaska, Yoichi Taya, Shi-Long Lu, Shujun Lin, Edward K.L. Chan, Xiao-Jing Wang, Reidar Grènman, Juergen Kast, Tuula Kallunki, Rosalie Sears, Veli-Matti Kähäri and Jukka Westermarck
CIP2A inhibits PP2A in human malignancies.
Published in Cell