EMBO Seminar: Fiona Watt
August 23rd at 13:30
On-site event with coffee and bisquits
3rd floor Biochemistry seminar room, BioCity A-staircase
Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). EMBO funds researchers as well as conferences, training and networking activities to help create an environment in which scientists can excel. Now will be a time to celebrate, to reflect on past achievements and challenges, and also to look ahead to the future of the life sciences and the role EMBO will play in it. Professor and EMBO Director Fiona Watt will open this unique meeting and then we will hear the perspectives of EMBO postdocs and members. This meeting is open to all wanting to connect to the EMBO community. Professor Watt is also attending the BioCity Symposium, where she will talk about “exploring stem cell dynamics in human skin”.
Tentative program
13.30 Fiona Watt: presentation on EMBO programmes
14.00 Q+A
14.15 Yilin Kang: perspectives of an EMBO postdoc
14.30 Mathilde Mathieu: perspectives of an EMBO postdoc
14.45 Q+A
15.00 Johanna Ivaska: perspectives of an EMBO member
15.30 Q+A and summary of the event
More details about the event from Hellyeh Hamidi (helham@utu.fi) and Maija Lespinasse (miholm@utu.fi)