Wihuri Research Institute Seminar


September 19, 2023    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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September 19th at 13:00
Hybrid event
Lecture hall 3, Biomedicum Helsinki 1

Prof. Bin Zhou, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Origins and Developmental Mechanisms of Coronary Vessels

Zoom Meeting ID: 643 6657 2019
Passcode: 186363

Prof. Zhou is a world-class leading researcher in cardiovascular development. He received his Ph.D. in cardiovascular pathology from University of Toronto, Canada, and trained as a post-doctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia. Currently, he is Professor of Genetics, Pediatrics (Pediatric Genetics), and Medicine (Cardiology) at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY. His studies focus on mechanisms that control heart development and aim to dissect the pathogenesis of congenital heart disease. Prof. Zhou’s lab has vast expertise in advanced single cell technologies and CRISPR gene editing.


Selected publications

Lu P, Wang Y, Wu B, Russell M., Bernard, DJ, Zheng D, Zhou, B. Prerequisite endocardial-mesenchymal transition for cardiac trabecular angiogenesis. Dev Cell 2023 May 8. PMID: 37023750.

Lu P, Wu B, Feng X, Cheng W, Kitsis RN, Zhou B. Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Reporter Mice to Study Heart Development and Disease. Circ Res 2022 Aug 5. PMID: 35862119.

Lu P, Wang Y, Wu B, Liu Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Cheng W, Feng X, Yuan X, Atteya MM, Ferro H, Sugi Y, Rydquist G, Esmaily M, Butcher JT, Chang CP, Lenz J, Zheng D, Zhou B. A SOX17-PDGFB signaling axis regulates aortic root development. Nat Commun 13 Jul 2022. PMID: 35831318.