State-of-the-art methodologies in cancer research


October 6, 2020    
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Turku Cancer Research Society and FICAN West welcome you to join a seminar afternoon “State-of-the-art methodologies in cancer research”. It will be an online meeting via Zoom:
ID: 614 6467 9658
Passcode: 365521



Session I:
13.00-13.25 Riikka Lund “Supporting high-level research with state-of-the-art tools for genomics”
13.25-13.50 Hongbo Zhang “Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology on Cancer Treatment” (changed)
13.50-14.15 Mari Suominen “Learning curve for using CD34 engrafted humanized mice”
14.15-14.40 Tove Grönroos “New applications in animal PET/CT imaging”


Session II:
15.00-15.25 Christoffer Löf “The CRISPR toolkit in cancer research” (changed)
15.25-15.50 Pekka Ruusuvuori “Artificial intelligence for cancer diagnostics and grading” (changed)
15.50-16.15 Sofia Khan “Where lies the power of genome-wide association studies (GWAS)”
16.15-16.30 Discussion and closing