Special seminar: Serini and Miserey-Linkei


November 15, 2018    
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm


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Coffee/tea and snack available before the talks

The two speakers:

  1. Guido Serini (University of Torino Medical School)
  • Title of talk: “Mechanisms of β1 integrin activation and clustering in the control of endothelial cell adhesion and migration”. This will be unpublished data.
  • If time allows, Prof Serini will also summarise some recent work on semaphorin, its co-receptor neuropilin 1 and new binding partners and the implications of these novel interactions in vascular morphogenesis and function.

In his earlier work, Prof Serini showed for the first time how endothelial class 3 semaphorins (SEMA3) signal through plexin receptors to inhibit integrins and allow vascular morphogenesis (Serini et al., Nature 2003). More recently, his research group rationally designed, generated and characterized a mutant, protease resistant, and easily purifiable superagonist SEMA3A protein isoform that represents a parenterally-deliverable drug that effectively normalizes the cancer vasculature (Gioelli et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 2018). His lab has also unveiled how vascular morphogenesis relies not only on integrin conformational activation, but also on dedicated signalling pathways that control the endocytosis and recycling of conformationally active integrins to adhesion sites in coordination with TGN-dependent polarized fibronectin secretion (Valdembri et al., PloS Biol. 2009; Sandri et al., Cell Res. 2012; Mana et al., Nat. Commun. 2016).

Prof. Serini will serve as Pranshu Sahgal’s PhD opponent on Friday 16th November!

Selected publications (Guido Serini):

                Semaphorins and angiogenesis

  • G. Serini*, V. Valdembri, S. Zanivan, G. Morterra, C. Burkhardt, F. Caccavari, L. Zammataro, L. Primo, L. Tamagnone, M. Logan, M. Tessier-Lavigne, M. Taniguchi, A.W. Püschel, and F. Bussolino*. Class 3 semaphorins control vascular morphogenesis by inhibiting integrin function. Nature 2003, 424: 391-397. *Shared corresponding authorship.
  • F. Maione, F. Molla, C. Meda, R. Latini, L. Zentilin, M. Giacca, G. Seano, G. Serini*, F. Bussolino*, and E. Giraudo*. Semaphorin 3A is an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor that blocks tumor growth and normalizes tumor vasculature in transgenic mouse models. J. Clin. Invest. 2009, 119: 3356-3372. *Shared senior authorship.
  • N. Gioelli, F. Maione, C. Camillo, M. Ghitti, D. Valdembri, N. Morello, M. Darche, L. Zentilin, G. Cagnoni, Y. Qiu, M. Giacca, M. Giustetto, M. Paques, I. Cascone, G. Musco, L. Tamagnone, E. Giraudo, and G. Serini. A rationally designed NRP1-independent superagonist SEMA3A mutant is an effective anticancer agent. Sci. Transl. Med. 2018, 10: eaah4807.

                Active integrin traffic

  • D. Valdembri, P.T. Caswell, K.I. Anderson, J.P. Schwarz, I. König, E. Astanina, F. Caccavari, J.C. Norman, M.J. Humphries, F. Bussolino, and G. Serini. Neuropilin−1/GIPC1 Signaling Regulates α5β1 Integrin Traffic and Function in Endothelial Cells. PLoS Biology 2009, 7:e1000025.
  • C. Sandri, F. Caccavari, D. Valdembri, C. Camillo, S. Veltel, M. Santambrogio, L. Lanzetti, F. Bussolino, J. Ivaska, and G. Serini. The R-Ras/RIN2/Rab5 complex controls endothelial cell adhesion and morphogenesis via active integrin endocytosis and Rac signaling. Cell Res. 2012, 22:1479-1501.
  • G. Mana, F. Clapero, E. Panieri, V. Panero, R. T. Böttcher, H.Y. Tseng, F. Saltarin, E. Astanina, K.I. Wolanska, M. R. Morgan, M.J. Humphries, M.M. Santoro, G. Serini*, and D. Valdembri*. PPFIA1 drives active α5β1 integrin recycling and controls fibronectin fibrillogenesis and vascular morphogenesis. Nat. Commun. 2016, 7: 13546. *Shared senior and corresponding authorship.


  1. Stephanie Miserey-Linkei (Institut Curie, PSL Research University)
  • Title of talk: “Getting out the Golgi complex thanks to the RAB6 GTPase”

Dr Miserey-Linkei is a talented senior researcher in the group of Prof. Bruno Goud in Institut Curie. She investigates the mechanisms regulating cellular transport with a focus on unravelling the role of Rab GTPases, the Golgi network and microtubules in this important biological process.

Selected publications (Stephanie Miserey-Linkei):

  • Miserey-Lenkei S, Bousquet H, Pylypenko O, Bardin S, Dimitrov A, Bressanelli, G, Bonifay R, Fraisier V, Guillou C, Bougeret C, Houdusse A, Echard A, Goud B. Coupling fission and exit of RAB6 vesicles at Golgi hotspots through kinesin-myosin interactions. Nat Commun. 2017, 8(1):1254.
  • Patwardhan A, Bardin S, Miserey-Lenkei S, Larue L, Goud B, Raposo G, Delevoye C. Routing of the RAB6 secretory pathway towards the lysosome related organelle of melanocytes. Nat Commun. 2017, 8:15835.
  • Miserey-Lenkei S, Colombo MI. Small RAB GTPases Regulate Multiple Steps of Mitosis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2016, 4:2. Review.
  • Delevoye C, Miserey-Lenkei S, Montagnac G, Gilles-Marsens F, Paul-Gilloteaux P, Giordano F, Waharte F, Marks MS, Goud B, Raposo G. Recycling endosome tubule morphogenesis from sorting endosomes requires the kinesin motor KIF13A. Cell Rep. 2014, 6(3):445-54.
  • Al Awabdh S, Miserey-Lenkei S, Bouceba T, Masson J, Kano F, Marinach-Patrice C, Hamon M, Emerit MB, Darmon M. A new vesicular scaffolding complex mediates the G-protein-coupled 5-HT1A receptor targeting to neuronal dendrites. J Neurosci. 2012, 32(41):14227-41.
  • Miserey-Lenkei S, Waharte F, Boulet A, Cuif MH, Tenza D, El Marjou A, Raposo G, Salamero J, Héliot L, Goud B, Monier S. Rab6-interacting protein 1 links Rab6 and Rab11 function. Traffic. 2007, 8(10):1385-403.
  • Miserey-Lenkei S, Couëdel-Courteille A, Del Nery E, Bardin S, Piel M, Racine V, Sibarita JB, Perez F, Bornens M, Goud B. A role for the Rab6A’ GTPase in the inactivation of the Mad2-spindle checkpoint. EMBO J. 2006, 25(2):278-89.