Cancer Seminar Series: Pharmacology directed strategies in anticancer drug development, a viable approach for academia?


September 4, 2018    
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


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Dr. Hans Hendriks, Hendriks Pharmaceutical Consulting

Coffee served at 14:45


Hans Hendriks, Ph.D., held positions in Cell Biology and Immunology at the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). After 17 years he joined the New Drug Development Office (now part of INC Research), Europe’s foremost oncology Contract Research Organisation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), gaining 12 years experience leading international drug discovery and development collaborations. In addition, he served in various drug development and drug evaluation committees of the EORTC, Cancer Research UK and US National Cancer Institute, and held for 8 years a position in the Executive Board of the EORTC Biological Therapeutics Development Group.

He established Hendriks Pharmaceutical Consulting January 2000, an independent consultancy company providing services to small companies and biotechs in Oncology R&D. He is co-founder of the Biotherapy Development Association (Germany, 2001) and served on the Scientific Advisory Board of a German biotech company (2001-2003). He was the National Network Representative for The Netherlands in the Council of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), period 2013-2018, and received a  honorary EACR membership as of 2018.

From 2002-2006 Dr. Hendriks acted as Project Technical Assistant to the European Commission (DG Research) in the 5th Framework Programme (FP) overseeing 20 cancer-related EU-funded projects, served as expert evaluator in 5th, 6th, 7th FP and H2020 of the EU and acted as Administrative Manager for the FP6 CompuVac project (June 2008-October 2009). In addition, he assisted Austrian, Dutch, Italian, and Slovenian consortia in the preparation and submission of grant applications for the European Union’s 7th FP, H2020 and the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2.

He was successful in bringing the telomere targeting agent KML001 from early stage preclinical research to Phase I clinical studies (CCR 2008;14:4593-602) and is co-inventor of a US patent application (2009).

Hendriks Pharmaceutical Consulting is member of the Competence Network Life Science (, an association of selected life science experts that provides top-tier consulting services to the pharmaceutical industry. It is a network of highly qualified and independent experts who can be contracted individually or as part of an interdisciplinary team.

Selected publications

Hendriks. H. et al., Pharmacologically directed strategies in academic anticancer drug discovery based on the European NCI compounds initiative, British Journal of Cancer, 2017.

Peters, GJ., Govaerts, A-S., Hendriks, H. for the EORTC-pharmacology and molecular mechanism group. The role of pharmacology in anticancer drug development, ADMET, 2018