2nd FinnBrain International Congress on Prenatal and Early Life Stress


June 8, 2023 - June 9, 2023    
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Map Unavailable

June 8th–9th
On-site event
Turku Boat Yard, Hevoskarintie 23, Turku, Finland

Accumulating evidence is showing that both prenatal and early postnatal stress is related to a wide variety of child outcomes. Recently also the possibility of epigenetic inheritance of stress related phenotypes across generations has been put forward. The 2nd FinnBrain International Congress covers these topics on early life stress exposure and its influences on development and health. Multidisciplinary program with interesting keynote speakers.


Registration deadline on May 5th

More information, registration and program: https://sites.utu.fi/finnbraincongress/