Receptor seminar: MYCN, metabolism and differentiation in childhood neuroblastoma


September 20, 2018    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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Professor Marie Arsenian-Henriksson (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)

Host: Jukka Westermarck (

Coffee and sweet pastries are served at 12:45


PhD from Karolinska Institutet (KI) during 1993 with Professor Georg Klein as supervisor. Assistant Professor at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) in KI since 1997 with focus on the MYC oncogene and childhood neuroblastoma. Associate Professor in Tumor Biology since 2001. Department Head 2006-2016. Senior Investigator Award from the Swedish Cancer Society 2007. Professor at KI since 2010. Sabbatical in the laboratory of Robert Eisenman, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA during 2016.

Selected publications

  1. Dzieran J, Rodriguez Garcia A, Westermark UK, Henley AB, Eyre Sánchez E, Träger C, Johansson HJ, Lehtiö J, and Arsenian Henriksson M. MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma maintains an aggressive and undifferentiated phenotype by deregulation of estrogen and NGF signaling.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA115(6): E1229-E1238 (2018)
  2. Fell SM, Li S, Wallis K, Surova O,Raklli V, Höfig C, Mittag J,Arsenian Henriksson M, Kenchappa RS, Holmberg J, Kogner P and Schlisio S. KIF1Bβ links neuroblastoma and neurodegenerative disease through anterograde transport of TRKA. Genes & DevelopmentMay 15;31(10):1036-1053 (2017).
  3. Ribeiro D, Klarqvist MDR, Westermark, KU, Oliynyk G, Dzieran J, Savatier Banares C, Kock A, Hertwig F, Johansen JI, Fischer M, Kogner P, Lovén J,and Arsenian Henriksson, M. Regulation of the nuclear hormone receptor family by MYCN-driven miRNAs affects differentiation and survival in neuroblastoma. Cell Reports16(4), 979-93 (2016).
  4. Zinin N, Adameyko I, Wilhelm M, Fritz N, Uhlén P, Ernfors P, ArsenianHenriksson M.MYC Proteins Promote Neuronal Differentiation by Controlling the Mode of Progenitor Cell Division. EMBO Reports15(4): 383-91(2014).
  5. Zirath H, Frenzel A, Oliynyk G, Segerström L, Westermark U, Larsson K, Munksgaard Persson M, Hultenby K, Lethio J, Einvik C, Påhlman S, Kogner P, Jakobsson PJ, and Arsenian Henriksson, M. MYC inhibition induces metabolic changes leading to accumulation of lipid droplets in tumor cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA110(25): 10258-63 (2013).