Lifespan seminar: Blood brain barrier model for drug delivery and toxicity testing for cerebrovascular diseases


April 26, 2018    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm



Dr. Sikha Saha, Lecturer and MCRC Director of Impact and Innovation, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Host: Terhi Heino

Coffee/tea will be served at 13:00


Dr Sikha Saha is a lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine & Director of Multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Research Centre Impact and Innovation, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT and she is a Biomedical Scientist with a background in Physiology and Biochemistry. Her research interests include investigations of novel targets, metabolic profiling, drug delivery, toxicity testing and development of diagnostic tools for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases using novel in vitro organ flow system and in vivo mammalian models.

Dr Saha’s most important scientific contributions to date are her innovative ideas of novel in vitro blood brain barrier and also developing biophotonic technologies for non-invasive or minimally invasive detection of biomarkers in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Her concept of novel in vitro blood brain barrier for biomarker analysis and drug delivery and toxicity testing has led to successful collaboration with an industry and the Queen Mary University of London leading to a successful grant funding from the Innovate UK which was co-funded by the BBSRC. She is the lead inventor of a biomaker patent (PCT/GB2013/050560) which has been supported by the EPSRC-IAA funding, Pharma Hub and digital Hub and is currently undergoing discussion with potential companies for licensing. She is also co-inventor of a laser based non-invasive glucose sensor technology (PCT/GB2013/050300), which was broadcasted by Sky News, BBC, ITV and a number of national and international media.