Expansion Microscopy Lecture


November 23, 2023    
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Expansion Microscopy Lecture

November 23rd at 14:30
On-site event

Discover Expansion Microscopy (ExM), the groundbreaking technique that expands biological samples to facilitate super‐resolution imaging with standard microscopes.

Introductory lecture
Open to everyone
23.11.2023 at 14:30‐15:30
Aud. Biokemi, BioCity 3rd floor
Introduction to Expansion Microscopy, Guillaume Jacquemet, ÅAU
ExM on Extracellular Vesicles, Saara Hämälistö, UTU
ExM on Lymphocytes, Amna Music, UTU


In addition to the lecture, this includes also hands-on workshop:

Hands on workshop
Limited to 9 participants
27.11. ‐ 01.12.2023
Sujan Ghimire, ÅAU
Marie‐Catherine Laisne, ÅAU
Amna Music, UTU

We are pleased to invite you to join a workshop on Expansion Microscopy, jointly organized by Jacquemet Lab, Mattila Lab, and Hämälistö Lab. Expansion Microscopy is a groundbreaking technique that expands biological samples to facilitate super-resolution imaging with standard microscopes. The workshop will consist of one introductory lecture that is open to all interested, and a hands-on workshop during the last week of November. Participant selection will be done by 13.10.2023. The schedule and location for the hands-on workshop will be provided to selected participants.

Please register before 10.11.2023: https://forms.gle/GGmixp4Ri3JUFnLm8

For more information contact Sujan Ghimire (sujan.ghimire@abo.fi) or Marie-Catherine Laisne (Marie-Catherine.Laisne@abo.fi)