Special seminar: Mechanobiological research and study opportunities at Eindhoven University of Technology


May 4, 2018    
1:15 pm - 3:00 pm


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Nicholas Kurniawan (PhD; assistant professor in biomedical engineering) and Aref Saberi (BSc) from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will present their research as well as research and study opportunities available at their university next week at ÅAU Cell Biology.

Host: prof. Cecilia Sahlgren

13.15-14:00 Dr. Nicholas Kurniawan, Assistant professor in biomedical engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e): Mechanobiology and tissue engineering

Dr. Kurniawan will present his research focused on the biophysical and mechanobiological aspects of cell-matrix interactions and related applications in regenerative medicine. In his research he combines expertise in biopolymer physics, cell biomechanics, and cytoskeletal rheology.

14:15-15:00 Aref Saberi, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e): Research activities and MSc programmes at Eindhoven University of Technology

An overview of research activities, educational programmes and student life at TU/e. The presentation is directed especially at students and researchers interested in doing an exchange abroad.

Kurniawan and Saberi will also give a lecture on stem cells and mechanosignaling on the ÅAU Stem cells course (223001.0) at 10-12 on the same day (in Kurssalen). Everyone interested is welcome to take part in the lecture as well.