R’Life Seminar 2022


October 24, 2022 - October 25, 2022    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

October 24th–25th
hybrid event
Viikki Campus, Biocentre 2, Hall 2041, Helsinki / streaming


The Molecular Regulatory Networks of Life (R’Life) Academy Programme organizes its 3rd Annual Seminar on 25–26 October 2022 at Viikki Campus. The seminar will start at 12:00 on the first day and conclude by 14:00 on the second day. The themes of the seminar are connections between different levels of regulatory networks and implementing and combining new research methods. The event will be held in English.

Molecular Regulatory Networks of Life (R’Life) Academy Programme explores how various mechanisms create links between different parts of the genome and gene networks and how these links regulate life functions. The programme aims to yield key information on networks that regulate the function of cells, tissues, and individuals. The R’Life Academy Programme Annual Seminar provides an excellent possibility to hear about ongoing research in the programme.

In addition to presentations by R’Life reseachers, on the first seminar day, we will have a keynote presentation by Omer Bayraktar from Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK and on the second day by Fernanda Pinheiro from Human Technopole, Italy.

We also invite all interested postgraduate students working in the field of molecular biology to attend the seminar and to bring a poster to the seminar to present their work. We encourage PhD students both working in the R’Life projects and in other research groups and projects to attend.

The seminar is open to everybody interested in molecular biology. Attending the seminar is free of charge and participants are expected to cover their own travel costs.

Please register at the latest by 17 October to attend the seminar and by 30 September if you are a postgraduate student bringing a poster.


More information regarding the event