Frontiers of Science: Uncovering novel mechanisms of crosstalk in the tumour microenvironment


December 3, 2020    
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Dr. Erik Sahai, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
Uncovering novel mechanisms of crosstalk in the tumour microenvironment
host: Johanna Ivaska (

Registration is open until December 1st

Students and early-career are welcome to join a virtual cup of coffee and discuss science with Dr. Sahai after the seminar.
This is a great possibility to learn hosting skills in friendly environment and create connections for future. Every student are welcome to join, in spite of which research group they belong to.
If you got interested, after registering to the event please send an email to


Erik Sahai is the head of the Tumour Cell Biology laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute in London. Erik obtained his PhD with Richard Treisman in London studying RhoGTPases and their effectors. He then carried out post-doctoral work in both London (Chris Marshall) and New York (John Condeelis). Following this training, Erik set up his own group at the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute in 2004 and then transferred to the Francis Crick Institute in 2015. His research is focused on the spread of cancer through the body and responses to cancer therapy. In particular, his group is interested in stromal fibroblasts and their interplay with both tumour and immune cells. To study these problems his group uses a wide range of techniques from computational modelling of cell migration, through conventional cell and molecular biology, to intravital imaging of mouse tumours and live analysis of patient derived material.


Genral info regarding the Frontiers of Science eTALKs

  • Registration is obligatory and links to register to all Frontiers of Science Autumn 2020 seminars are available in BioCity Turku webpage ( and in our news feed.
  • Registration closes two days before the event and link to join zoom will be sent to the participants one day in advance.
  • Microphones and cameras need to be turned off during the presentation, but the audience is welcome to ask questions after the talk, preferably with video turned on to make the discussion as interactive as possible.
  • If you are a student and need a certificate for your attendance, please fill in your student number when registering to the events. After the seminar season is over, please contact BioCity Turku coordinator

If you have any questions regarding our Frontiers of Science eTALK seminar series, please don’t hesitate to contact BioCity Turku coordinator