CompLifeSci seminar: Czeizler and Lehtonen


April 13, 2018    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


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Dr. Eugen Czeizler, Åbo Akademi, Computational Biomodelling Laboratory
Computational Approaches in DNA Algorithmic Self-Assembly


Dr. Jukka Lehtonen, Åbo Akademi, Structural Bioinformatics Laboratory
Where is your file? Thoughts on data management

Coffee served at 13:45

Eugen Czeizler obtained his PhD in Mathematics (Theoretical Computer Science) in 2007 at University of Turku, Finland. Afterwards, he has been a researcher at University of Western Ontario, Canada and Aalto University, Finland. Currently he is a senior researcher at Abo Akademi University. With a passion for both Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Science, he is leaving his dream of merging all these three fields into an active research on understanding the dynamics of complex (bio-chemical and biomedical) systems and developing optimal designs of synthetic systems performing well defined, large scale actions. His research interests lie within: (i) algorithms, optimisation, and data analytics in bio-medicine, (ii) mathematical and computational modelling, (iii) algorithmic nanotechnology and structural optimization in DNA algorithmic self-assembly, and (iv) theoretical computer science, incl. algorithms, complexity, and dynamical systems.

Selected publications

K. Kanhaiya, E. Czeizler, C. Gratie, I. Petre. Controlling Directed Protein Interaction Networks in Cancer. Scientific Reports 7(10327), Nature Publishing Group, (2017)

Abdulmelik Muhammad, Elena Czeizler, and Eugen Czeizler. Computational modeling of the kinetic Tile Assembly Model using a rule-based approach. Theoretical Computer Science 701 (2017)

E. Benson, A. Mohammed, J. Gardell, S. Masich, E. Czeizler, P. Orponen, B. Hogberg. DNA Rendering of Polyhedral Meshes at the Nanoscale. Nature 523, (2015).

E. Czeizler, P. Orponen. Fault tolerant design and analysis of carbon nanotube circuits affixed on DNA origami tiles. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 14(5) (2015).

M. Goos, T. Lempiainen, E. Czeizler, P. Orponen. Search methods for tile sets in patterned DNA self-assembly. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80, (2014).


Dr. Jukka Lehtonen is a biochemist. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Åbo Akademi University, at 2004. At present, he is working in IT systems administratory role at Biocenter Finland bioinformatics infrastructure network node of Åbo Akademi. His expertise is broadly in scientific IT: HPC, clouds, data management, networking, and [bioinformatics] applications. Research interests are within computational tools for structural bioinformatics.