BioCity Student Symposium – Just see it.


August 22, 2018    
8:30 am - 4:00 pm


Map Unavailable

The Biocity student symposium 2018 “Just see it!” is the event prior to the annual Biocity symposium, which is aimed for PhD students and is dedicated this year to a broad range of fundamental biological research and clinical imaging techniques. To be an early career investigator means to meet obstacles and doubts on almost every day basis. During the one-day event students have the opportunity to obtain some unique recipes and hints from successful scientists to illuminate complicated life in science and become motivated at their paths. “Just see it” will also aim to trigger the social activities and collaboration between local young scientists by having exciting social events including scientific speed dating and pitching competition. There will be surprise prizes for the lucky winners of the competition.

More information from the Student Symposoium web pages


See you at the student symposium!