AI protein structure predictions and how to benefit from them


March 5, 2024    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
AI protein structure predictions and how to benefit from them

March 5th at 13:00-15:00
On- site event
BioCity, 5th floor, B-side, 5017a seminar room

This is an invitation to join for a short workshop about the use of AI protein structure models in protein research!

The workshop is open to students and experienced researchers. It aims to cover current interest in the use of artificial intelligence for protein structure predictions (e.g., AlphaFold) and answer questions related to the predicted models.

13:00-13:30 General introduction to AI protein structure predictions (Tassos Papageorgiou, TBC)
13:30-13:45 Cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) as a structural biology tool (Otto Kauko, TBC)
13:45:14:00 Using Alpha Fold 2 Predictions in Molecular Modelling (Pekka Postila, Institute of Biomedicine)
14:00-14:15 Break
14:15-15:00 Practical session (Tassos Papageorgiou, TBC)

In case you are interested, please register through the following link:

You may bring your own computer and also install ChimeraX in advance (free to academics; to run predictions yourself if you wish.

For more details or questions, please feel free to contact Tassos Papageorgiou (